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Joining the IVRA

The purpose of the International Veterinary Radiology Association (IVRA) is:

  • to encourage and promote all forms of scientific endeavors and research involving veterinary radiology;
  • to disburse knowledge of veterinary radiology throughout the world;
  • to represent the radiology discipline in other veterinary organizations; and
  • to encourage training in veterinary radiology.
Please contact the IVRA Treasurer by e-mail using the IVRA Email Contact Form if you have any questions about IVRA membership.

How to Join the IVRA

Membership in the IVRA is open to all veterinarians and others who have a special interest in Veterinary Radiology. The cost of membership is US $15.00, which covers a three year period (presently 2018-2021). Members of the Association will receive a letter of membership, details of meetings of the Association, and will be entitled to attend and vote at business meetings of the Association.

They will also receive a reduction in the registration fee payable for attending scientific meetings of the Association. An application for membership (enclosing full name, postal address, email address, phone/fax number) and a cheque, money order or bank draft for $15 USD, made payable to "IVRA", should be sent to the Treasurer of the IVRA:

Elisa Spoldi,
DVM, MS, DACVR Clinical Assistant Professor,
Diagnostic Imaging University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
PO Box 100126
2015 SW 16th Ave
Gainesville, FL 32610-0126

Note: You are automatically a member of IVRA if you are also a current member of any of the following organizations:

  • American College of Veterinary Radiology
  • Australasian Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
  • Brazilian Veterinary Radiology Association
  • European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
  • European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
  • Japanese Society of Veterinary Imaging
  • Korean Society of Veterinary Medical Imaging