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IVRA Educational Scholarships


The Educational Scholarship Programme was established in 2006, initially with funds received from the 2003 IVRA congress held at Midrand, South Africa and hosted by the University of Pretoria.

The aim of the scholarship is to provide veterinarians who do not have access to specialty training in clinical veterinary diagnostic imaging at their own institution with the opportunity of studying for a period of time in a clinical veterinary radiology training programme at a veterinary faculty, school, college or private referral practice.

The IVRA expects that the knowledge and experience gained by the successful applicant will be applied at the applicant’s faculty and used to improve its standards of clinical veterinary diagnostic imaging.

Three teleradiology companies will provide the funding support to the IVRA for the Educational Scholarships, which will be linked in name to their respective sponsorship. These are known as the IVRA – ANTECH, IVRA – IDEXX and IVRA – VetCT Educational Scholarships.

IVRA Educational Scholarship Guidelines


Three Educational Scholarships are available for the period between the conferences in Dublin
(2023) and in Japan (2026), each with a value up to US $5,000.00. The Scholarships will usually
be advertised annually, unless all three have been awarded in the first two years. The closing
date for 2025 applications is 31st May 2025; applicants will be informed of the result by 30th
June 2025 and the Scholarship must commence before the end of May 2026.

Applicants must hold a degree in veterinary medicine, be a member of staff of a veterinary faculty, have a special interest in veterinary diagnostic imaging and teach the imaging course at their institution but not have access to specialist training in clinical veterinary diagnostic imaging at their own faculty.

The selection committee consists of the Vice-President of the IVRA as the committee chair and two Directors of the IVRA (appointed by the Chairperson of the Committee). Representatives of the sponsoring companies may also be on the selection panel. The President and Treasurer of the IVRA will be ex officio members of the Committee but will not be voting members in the selection of the successful Scholars.

Each Scholarship will fund all or part of the travel and accommodation expenses. The host institution where the education takes place may be in the applicant’s own or another country. The costs of other expenses such as daily living expenses (including meals) and any fees the host institution or university may charge the trainee for the visit will not be reimbursed by the Scholarship.


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Antech Imaging Services (AIS) is a telemedicine company based in the USA but with internet support to practices world-wide.


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IDEXX Telemedicine Consultants Working together for improved outcomes. Easy access to board-certified consultants allowing collaborative consultations.



VET.CT provides vet-to-specialist teleconsulting and teleradiology services, and novel educational strategies for veterinary medicine. Our mission is to make the veterinary world a better place by delivering trusted veterinary knowledge, support and reassurance at the point of need.

How to apply for an Educational Scholarship

Either the applicant or the supervisor can instigate a scholarship agreement, but the parties must have agreed on the programme before applying.

All applications and requests for information for the Scholarship should be sent electronically to the Chairperson of the Awards Selection Committee, as per the application form.

Each Applicant and the Supervisor must complete the application form (downloaded from the IVRA website; see top of page) to provide the following information:

  1. Name and institution address/contact details of the applicant plus a curriculum vitae containing details of academic qualifications and a list of appointments and other merits of the applicant together with a copy of a valid passport;

  2. Name and institution address/contact details of the supervisor and details ofthe facilities and personnel of the host institution (where the education is to be hosted) plus the curriculum vitae of the supervisor;

  3. A statement giving details as to how the award of an Educational Scholarship would improve veterinary diagnostic imaging at the applicant’s veterinary faculty, including the content of the Educational Scholarship programme;

  4. Costs of travel and accommodation requested to be paid by the Educational Scholarship;

  5. Acknowledgement of the obligations of the scholar and supervisor, including the responsibility of the applicant to obtain any necessary visa.

The Chairperson of the Committee must receive a completed application in good time; the closing date for 2025 is 31st May. The chairperson shall notify the applicant that the form has been received.

Establishing an Educational Scholarship programme

An Educational Scholarship training programme for each applicant will be established according to the description in the application form. The details of the aims or goals of the visit might be quite basic, for example: learn the radiologic signs and diagnostic principles for diagnosis of diseases of the abdomen or learn how to use correct settings on an ultrasound machine and scan techniques for different examinations of small animals, etc. The supervisor is the person at the host institution or faculty who is directly responsible for establishing the programme, and for ensuring that the programme is followed during the training period.

The supervisor will take into consideration the individual needs of the visitor (who is the applicant for the Scholarship), and both the supervisor and applicant will certify that the programme is accepted.

IVRA Directors, Officers and individual members are encouraged to actively promote the Educational Scholarship; such promotion could include:

1) informing potential candidates, potential supervisors, and Deans of Faculties and Department Heads about the Educational Scholarships;

2) helping potential supervisors find candidates and potential candidates find supervisors;

3) promoting the programme through meeting presentations, notices in conference proceedings and other means of direct advertisement.

IVRA Procedures for Consideration of Applications

Following review of the applications, the Chairperson of the Awards Committee will make a proposal to the IVRA Directors and Office Bearers for an email vote as to whether the Scholarship(s) should be awarded. The result of the review will be announced on the IVRA website and by an email to the successful candidate(s) within one month of the closing date for applications, i.e. by 30th June 2025. The Scholarship will be paid to the supervisor by arrangement with the Treasurer of the IVRA and the supervisor will pay the expenses for the scholarship holder.