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IVRA Bernstein Travel Fellowships

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    Previous Bernstein Travel Fellowship Recipients


Dr Mike Bernstein 1919-2005
Dr Mike Bernstein 1919-2005
The IVRA Bernstein Travel Fellowship program was established in 1988 and is named in honour of Dr Michael Bernstein, an Honorary Member and former President of the IVRA.

It is designed to assist veterinarians in attending and presenting a paper at a Scientific Meeting of the Association. Veterinarians should have a special interest in veterinary radiology and be from countries where they have had little previous contact with others in veterinary radiology.

It is reasoned that those awarded a Fellowship will take the knowledge gained from the IVRA Meeting and use it to foster the development of radiology in their own country. The first Fellowships were awarded in 1991 and permitted veterinarians from Egypt, India and Romania to attend the 9th Meeting of the Association in the Netherlands (a list of previous recipients of the Travel Fellowships is given above).

Membership of the Selection Committee

The Committee to select those to be awarded a Travel Fellowship will consist of the following six members - the Vice President of the IVRA as the committee chair, the organizer of the relevant Scientific Meeting of the IVRA, and two Directors of the IVRA (appointed by the Chairperson of the Committee). The President and Treasurer of the IVRA will be ex officio members of the Committee but will not be voting members in the selection of the successful Fellows.


All applications and requests for information for awards to attend the next IVRA meeting should be sent electronically, dates and details will be published here when available.

A maximum of one successful applicant will be from a particular country. The number and value of each Bernstein Travel Fellowship will be determined by the Committee in the light of the total funds approved by the IVRA.

The Chairperson of the Committee will provide the Conference organizer and chairperson of the scientific committee with the names of the winners. The successful applicants will be notified by the committee chairperson, who together with the IVRA treasurer, will also be responsible for all arrangements, including the allocation of funds, relating to each Bernstein Travel Fellow's attendance at the Scientific Meeting.

Each applicant must complete the application form (downloaded from the IVRA website; see top of page, when available) to provide the following information:

  • a brief curriculum vitae containing details of academic qualifications and a list of appointments and other merits,
  • a statement giving details as to how the award of a Bernstein Travel Fellowship would foster the development of veterinary radiology in their country,
  • details of previous travel outside their country,
  • details of other financial assistance that could partially cover the costs of attending the IVRA Scientific Meeting,
  • extent of financial assistance being sought by the applicant from the IVRA - will the costs of air fares, conference registration and accommodation, and a daily expenses allowance need to be covered by the Bernstein Travel Fellowship,
  • scientific abstract, in English (no more than 500 words), of the paper to be presented at the scientific meeting of IVRA. The abstract must follow the format: Introduction/purpose; Materials and methods; Results; Discussion and Conclusions. A copy of the institutional ethical committee’s approval of the project must be included.